11 years ago. damn. feels like quite a fucking while, hm?
i was how naïve? too naïve to notice what you both did to me.
two separate people, doing two horrible things.
i can't forget about those moments. the abuse was burned into my memory.
one of you would pull me into a separate room. i didn't know what was going on.
one of you would pull me into a closet. i didn't know what was going on.
i didn't think about those moments for years and years.
i want to forget about that abuse, i was taken advantage of.
both of you never received anything for what you did to me.
i was too scared to say anything.
i wish i'd realized sooner what you both did was wrong.
part of me thinks it was my fault this happened.
two separate people.
two separate rooms.
several altercations.
i can't forgive you.